Feature Ideas

  1. Submit button options

    Please add a rounded border to the button options

    Katia K
    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨


  2. Add Cloudflare Turnstile

    Add Cloudflare Turnstile as a method of countering the bots for Forms and Comments sections as you have done with reCAPTCHA? It is doing better Job to stop the Bots attacks and the same tine does not affect the score of the website in Pagespeed Insights.

    #Integration 🔗


  3. dark mode menu

    I would like to be able to change colours in the dark menu, especially in the dark mode. There is no such option now :)

    #Styling 🎨


  4. Testimonial Carousel

    Image in the testimonial carousel should be optional, it should be able to turn on or off.

    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨#Misc 🤷‍♂️


  5. Equal Distance Between Tabs with img align centre.

    Please see in Attached image there should be a option for equal distance between tabs i try to create a round tabs background look i can't achieve it with margin and padding because it applies on all tabs we need margin padding for each tab so we can achieve desire style or distance between tabs option aligns centre

    man s
    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨


  6. Social sharing: Custom share url

    I want to specifiy which url should be shared. On a thank you page for a lead magnet I want to share the url of the landing page – not the thank you page.



  7. Add close mobile hamburger menu on click outside

    Closing of the mobile menu wwhen clicking outside of the menu area

    Rohith r
    #Styling 🎨#Misc 🤷‍♂️


  8. Possibility to keep all the accordeons closed by default

    Advanced Accordeon should have the option on/off to keep all the accordeons closed by default. Thanks !

    #Idea 💡#Styling 🎨#Misc 🤷‍♂️


  9. form with conditional

    To direct the response according to the user's choice

    Paulo A


  10. No Option to Reduce the product image heigh width in mobile and desktop

    There should be option to Reduce the product image heigh width in mobile and desktop

    #Styling 🎨


  11. Mega menù-menù mobile-no scroll...

    Il menu mobile è bloccato e non scorre quando nel menù è presente una lista più lunga. Ed è un problema importante sopratutto per extra-mobile che renderebbe le dimensioni dello schermo piccole. per favore fai in modo che il mega menù royal scorra in basso con una barra di scorrimento.. Grazie

    #Integration 🔗


  12. Apply hover effect on items submenu

    Being able to apply hover effect on items in the submenu, since it doesn't respond now when you hover over it. When typography in the hover section is changed, the typography in the normal section is changed as well, so it stays the same

    Amber R


  13. Duplicating

    I'd love to be able to duplicate my popups without having to make a template out of the contents and reupload it everytime.

    Jakob G
    #Idea 💡


  14. Enable equal height option

    Coz height variation comes when we add more in a single column



  15. Product Filter

    Would like horizontal orientation options for the look

    Sung H
